Sunday, July 28, 2013

Photo-A-Day #7 and Project Reflection

Meet Rubie...a puppy of one of my great friends. Rubie gave me a new perspective on two things this weekend. First, Rubie gave me a new perspective on patience. My friend and her husband adopted Rubie not too long ago and are going through many of the challenges a puppy brings - sleep schedules, potty training, eating everything, etc. Spending time with my friend and Rubie this weekend showed me a whole new perspective on how patient my friend really is...not just with her pets, but with people, too. To go along with that, Rubie also shed a new perspective on parenting. I'm not a parent, and my friend has no human children, but she and her husband are definitely parenting their dogs. Rubie is in that "newborn/toddler" stage, and is giving them a perspective on parenting as they work through those challenges together.

Doing the photo-a-day project has probably been one of the most fun projects of this course for me. I really enjoy taking pictures as a "journal" for life's adventures. In the past few weeks, I've been doing a great deal of life processing, and perspective has been a theme that's come up. It was fun to thread that word through all aspects of life this week. I started out the week (Monday and Tuesday) looking intentionally for a picture that would encapsulate perspective. Wednesday and Thursday, I just took pictures as I normally would and then looked at them to see what reflected my perspective of the day. Friday-today, I wanted my pictures to showcase my vacation with friends. After taking the pictures (either on my Nikon CoolPix or my iPhone), I posted some of them raw, edited some using Pixlr, and collaged some on Pixlr to encapsulate more than just one moment. This is how I post all of the pictures I share online so I approached this challenge no differently. I'm sure there are many ways to upload onto my blog, but I posted each through my computer. It was just easier for me to manage, and once I got myself into the routine, it didn't take very long at all. I've seen several of these "challenges" done on Facebook before, but had never participated myself. As I was thinking about this project from a classroom sense, I thought it would be neat to have a picture or two of the week that my class decides on as a whole group. We could Tweet them and share them on our class website. I'm sure they would definitely take ownership over that! It would also be neat because I put together a photo slide show/video for them as an end of the year gift, and they would feel like they had a part in creating it.

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