Monday, July 22, 2013

I Knew I Was Going to be an Educator When...(Digital Story Created with a Cell Phone - u04a2)

This was a tricky assignment for me because there were an endless amount of approaches you could take to making a digital story. I thought about taking snapshots, captioning them in Pixlr, and rolling them altogether. I thought about calling in to iPadio and making a podcast to share. I also toyed with the idea of being behind the camera and making my friends tell my story. What I decided on, though, was the tried and true video function of my iPhone. I decided to tell my own story - to pick out props and mile-markers from my journey into education. As I was deciding how to approach my script, I thought back to what I teach my 2nd graders. They learn how to write with "comeback lines" because it keeps the reader (or listener) on track with their story. My comeback line was, "I knew I was going to be an educator when..."

This was one of my first times shooting a video that I've shared on my iPhone. I just came out of the dinosaur phone era 4 weeks ago! I realized when I downloaded the video that because my roommate and I planned and shot the video in portrait style, it needed rotated in order to play on the computer. I imported the video and did a quick rotate so that you wouldn't have to turn your head sideways to see when I knew I was going to be an educator! :) That was just one of the fun joys of this project. Thanks for the opportunity to stretch myself and look at my phone as a learning tool.

I had a hard time using Blogger's uploading video feature so I embedded my video from YouTube. Hopefully it's working! 

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