Friday, August 9, 2013 (u07a1)

The task this week was to create my digital portfolio. To be honest, I didn't think this would be difficult at all. I planned to just update my current blog and create a few new tabs with links to the course work I had done while a part of this program. WRONG! As I was trying to navigate adding tabs to the blog, I realized that it was not set up to do what I wanted it to do.
I went back to the drawing board and decided to use to create a digital portfolio. This was a VERY easy website to use and interact with. I appreciated that it literally walked me through the decisions I needed to make on how to use it. I decided to set the background as a picture of fireworks that I had taken myself. They are my FAVORITE part of summer and I wanted to enjoy seeing my photo posted online. It was now time to post a collection of my work as well as link to my online presence. Over the course of this summer, I'd been reflecting on my online presence and didn't think I had a very large one. When it was time to actually link to my projects, however, I realized that I have learned how to use QUITE a few sites! It was fun to go back through my files, find my projects, and link them all to one location. I chose YouTube to store my videos that I've created and linked the rest of the projects individually. It was a fun learning experience for me to reflect on how I've grown in using technology from the time I started the Instructional Media program until now!

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